
Business sustainability is centered on guiding companies with a long-term perspective.

We strive to create lasting value, seeing sustainability as a key driver for achieving strong, sustainable, and profitable growth.

Sustainability at Erria Group

In 2023, the Erria Group made considerable progress in embedding Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles across its operations, with Cathay Seal, leading the charge by issuing its first ESG Report.

Erria Group Sustainability Focus

  • Erria Group is committed to combating climate change by establishing targets for carbon emission reduction and adopting renewable energy sources.

  • The company will boost materials efficiency via life cycle
    assessments, waste reduction initiatives, and supplier collaboration.

  • Improvements in labor standards will involve employee training, third-party audits, and feedback mechanisms.

  • A responsible supply chain will be maintained through audits, supplier training, and increased transparency.

  • Prioritizing business ethics includes mandatory employee
    training, enhanced whistleblower protection, and external ethics reviews.

  • Stakeholder engagement will persist through regular surveys, partnerships, and transparent communication on ESG advancements.

  • By integrating these initiatives into its sustainability framework, Erria Group intends to make meaningful contributions to environmental conservation, social responsibility, and ethical governance.

Cathay Seal

Climate Change Mitigation

Cathay Seal is proactively addressing climate change concerns by establishing baselines and targets for reducing carbon emissions, aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Materials Use Efficiency

In 2023, Cathay Seal has reduced its material footprint, emphasising responsible consumption and efficient resource utilisation.

Labor Standards Enhancement

Cathay Seal is actively working to improve labour standards, ensuring fair and ethical practices within its workforce.

Responsible Supply Chain

Cathay Seal prioritises a responsible supply chain, updating its supplier code of conduct to promote ethical sourcing and sustainable production practices.

Business Ethics Focus

Cathay Seal puts a a strong emphasis on business ethics, aligning its actions with robust ESG reporting standards, considering it crucial for a company’s ‘License to Operate’.